Signal Arrows Update
In AutoCAD Electrical 2023,
you can synchronise all source and destination arrows that use the same signal
code. In previous releases, the link between the source arrows to other source
or destination arrows would break when making a change to the signal code. The
source and destination arrows with the same signal code in any drawing are all
updated when the signal code in one of the source arrows is updated.
Copy Project
Enhancements have been made to copy project
command which now includes a one-step process for copying electrical projects
with the option to select “Use selected project as template project”. This
option creates a copy of your specified project including all project-related
files to increase productivity and efficiency compared to the previous releases
of AutoCAD Electrical. The previous method is still supported within the copy
project workflow.
Electrical Bill of Materials Integration
with Vault
In previous releases, only the catalog number
is used as the key to generate the Electrical BOM in Vault. Using only the
catalog number as the key caused issues when there are two symbols with the
same catalog number but with different manufacturers, or with the same catalog
number and manufacturer but with different AssemblyCodes.
Now, we have the option to include a key system
CAT-MFG-ASSYCODE (Catalog + Manufacturer + AssemblyCode) for Electrical
BOM’s in Vault. This resolves the issues pertaining to two symbols having the
same key.