Thursday 31 March 2022

Webinar recording | Introducing Symetri’s Modular BIM Training (including ISO 19650)

All those engaged in the delivery of a construction project, across the complete project life cycle, is now starting to appreciate the increasing importance of BIM | ISO 19650 and its value in improving supply chain collaboration and process efficiency. Therefore, keeping up to date with the latest workflows, processes and standards is essential.

We understand that one training course does not fit all due to the nature of each individual business, and the differences in where you are on your BIM journey. Therefore, Symetri can help your teams refresh and update their knowledge and understanding of BIM | ISO 19650 and Information Management through modular based learning. Our BIM expert and Principal Consultant, Daryn Fitz, has established over 26 modules to give you the flexibility and power to:

-          Configure your own content,

-          Develop your own training programmes for your employees,

-          Keep up to date with the very latest standards, methods, and processes,

-          Maximise knowledge retention and investment.

Watch this webinar recording, to see how our BIM training programme works, explore the 26 modules currently available, and book a meeting with us to customise your own BIM training course.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

What’s New in AutoCAD 2023?

Our Application Specialist Geoff Alder provides an overview of the new features and updates in AutoCAD 2023.

1. Traces

The traces feature found on the collaborate tab monitors and logs redline revisions.

Opening the traces pallet in the first instance shows that there are no traces in the drawing.

If we use the Markup Import feature, we can then overlay a red line markup. This can be an image file i.e., jpeg, png, pdf. I have used a pdf with a simple redline markup on this drawing.

Clicking on Markup Import brings up the dialogue.

The Markup Import has discovered the two redline markups. One in text form and one in hand sketched detail. We can then extract the details and have them on the drawing as a markup.

The markup is now listed in the traces pallet, providing users with a time that the redline edit was added to the drawing.

2. Copy Base

The copy base feature in AutoCAD 2023 is efficient in a workflow. It provides a basepoint in the first instance in the lower left extreme of the geometry.

3. Polylines

Polylines are often used to create boundary areas and closed lines. In plotting vertices to create the polyline, we have to continue in one direction because the vertices are numbered to describe the direction of the polyline.

If we add a vertex at the last vertex, this provides an additional vertex which increases the polyline length. If, however, we add a vertex at the start of the polyline, we are adding a new vertex in position two and not adding to the length of the polyline. This means we can right click on the vertex on either end and choose “Extend vertex” which will extend the polyline at that point. This can be a great time saver in creating clean and efficient polylines.

[Can we have a screenshot]

4. Display - View Tab

With the view to display options, we can now detach a View Tab in AutoCAD 2023 and have it floating; thus allowing it to be moved to a second monitor if required. The view also has its own command line making it easier to focus on a view and have the option to input commands in the same line of sight.

[Can we have a screenshot]


On display in AutoCAD 2023, we see a new command called FASTSHADEMODE. This takes advantage of newer GPU to provide a superior illuminated 3D view.

[Can we have a screenshot]

Overall, the new features & updates in AutoCAD 2023 are stable and can be used as part of everyday workflows.

Watch the video below to see these new features in action: (embed)

To learn more about AutoCAD, please visit our product page or contact us by email or telephone 0345 370 1444.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

iLogic Parameter Types

It’s logical to consider that the order of the code in your rule can determine whether it needs to be run twice to complete or not, however there is another cause for this that many people are unaware of and that’s what I will cover today.

The different types of Parameters.

There are two different types of Parameters and they both behave differently which can affect the outcome once a rule has run. This first type is the most common parameter- the “double click the name in the rule editor” blue parameter.

This parameter does what it needs to, including updating in the rule if you rename the parameter in your model. This Parameter will hold onto a value, and only change to that value when the rule finishes executing.

This characteristic of the blue parameter can cause problems.

Let’s examine the example below.

If I know Frame_Width is 100 when my rule starts, I expect the code to make the Length of the Horizontal_SHS component 200. But that’s not the case. The reason for that is after changing the Frame_Width to 200, we now know it will hold that value until the rule finishes, then update to 200. As a result, the Frame_width that is used to drive the length of the SHS part is still 100. Running the rule a second time will cause Frame_Width to be the expected 200 and the component will update correctly.

There is a way around this characteristic, and here Parameter type becomes useful.

Enter the Purple and green parameter, technically referred to as a “Dynamic Parameter”. This parameter uses a String indicated by the “Quotation marks” and won’t update on its own if you change the name of the parameter. On the surface they play the same role, however the dynamic Parameter alters the outcome.

If I was to run the same code but using a dynamic parameter instead of the normal blue parameter, we would get the desired result the first time.

The reason for that is a dynamic Parameter forces the parameter to take the new value as soon as its set instead of waiting for the end of the rule. After the first line, Frame_Width will be 200, and as a result the Length of the SHS part will be 200.

If you find your rules need to run twice, check the order of the code in the rule remembering it runs top to bottom followed by what type of parameters are getting the values needed to execute correctly. For tricky cases, combine your checks with the iLogic Logger in my previous Episode.

With each Inventor release, Autodesk adds new features and abilities in iLogic, so if you’ve used it before or considering using it, contact us. We provide various iLogic training from the very basics to more tailored courses to help you get up to speed with iLogic.


Autodesk Fusion 360 – What is the Product Design Extension?

Autodesk have released another extension for Fusion 360 on 18th Jan 2022.

The extension is the start of a new set of product design tools to help automate multiple processes that tend to take longer if executed individually. This automation of events is, the beginning of how Autodesk will add automated workflows into Fusion 360.

The new features are manufacturing process aware, meaning they are material property driven allowing multiple features to be added in one command. This is similar to how sheet metal works currently in Fusion 360. These rule-based features mean that designers now have control over how they design plastic components.

The plastic commands are only the beginning of how this new extension will shape the way we automate in the application.

Autodesk currently has the following to offer,

  • Assign and arrange materials
  • Web
  • Boss
  • Snap fit
  • Geometric Pattern

NOTE: Access to these tools/commands are only available when you purchase the Product Design Extension (PDE).

Plastics Rules

The following commands are at the heart of the new extension:

Assign Plastic Rule – This assigns the rule that a component will use to automatically control the properties of plastic features, physical material and thickness.

Manage Plastics Rule – This command manages the use of plastics rules in your design automatically.

Some tips to apply and manage:

  • Plastic rules in your design are active to the document. Plastic rules in the library are stored in the cloud.
  • Remember to assign a rule when you start your design.
  • You can set a rule as default by right-clicking and choosing “set as default”.


The web command is part of the out of the box Fusion 360 solution but with the Product Design Extension users can now add more to this feature automatically adding fillets and draft angles.

With all three features being controlled by material and thickness and the addition of adding fillets and a draft angle means these features are added more quickly


From a sketch with points this new feature will create a boss with a fastener that can be manipulated in terms of head and drive properties.

The preview of this can be seen with one click.

You can see how well the preview looks and how the section moves as you move around the model.

NOTE: As you start to use these additional features you will see the dialog boxes have pre-sets, if you are familiar with Autodesk Inventor Professional you will know how beneficial this pre-set can be, this is a great new addition to the dialog boxes.

As you complete the feature you will see that all elements of this command have been updated in the 3D model but there is still so much to show here, what happens when you make a change to the material which controls the thickness?

The shell is controlled with the thickness from the material rule. The component is activated, and the rule is then changed.

These changes reflect the shell, and the thickness is updated.

Now this is a very useful addition. Like we have seen in the sheet metal environment for a while in Autodesk Inventor and Fusion 360 these types of changes are crucial in our workflow to save time.

Snap Fit

The snap fit command is used to create cantilever snap fit features in your plastic components. These features allow solid bodies to have fastening design incorporated into them in a simple click.


Parallel and perpendicular hooks can be applied by using sketched points.

Geometric Pattern

The geometric pattern tool will give you the ability to create a pattern using size and distribution gradients. It can also be used for custom shapes.


I think favourite addition in this release is the additional assembly features. Keep an eye out for the next blog and video featuring other additions in the Jan 2022 release. 

Thursday 10 March 2022

Webinar Recording | Autodesk Inventor add-ins – What is available for me?

This webinar recording takes a look at Autodesk Inventor’s complete portfolio, made up of powerful add-ins at hand within the Autodesk Product Design and Manufacturing Collection subscription.

The add-ins include:

  • Tolerance Analysis
  • Inventor Nesting
  • Inventor CAM
  • Inventor Nastran
  • Factory Design Utilities

These add-ins are designed to help in supercharging your workflows, driving efficiency and aid  you with getting the most out of your subscription.

By watching the video, you will learn:

  • Which applications are available with your subscription?
  • An introduction to use cases for each add-in
  • Digital Prototyping to save time and money 

For more information, please get in touch with by completing the form on the Autodesk Inventor page. Alternatively, please call us on 0345 370 1444.

What’s New in AutoCAD Electrical 2025

This blog will examine what’s new in AutoCAD Electrical 2025. Automatic Reports Enhancement In AutoCAD Electrical 2025, you can now cre...