Monday 14 October 2019

Transition from a Proficient AutoCAD User, to an Efficient One with AutoCAD Training

Having attended the Essentials AutoCAD training course, you are likely to be a proficient AutoCAD user - but are you an efficient user? Most delegates who have attended the Essentials course consider they have sufficient expertise to do their jobs effectively. I’ve found in most cases, is not an accurate consideration.

Using a “running” analogy, the job of he Essentials AutoCAD training course is to teach delegates how to walk-jog-run. But if you want to get the job done efficiently, you need to learn to sprint, and this is the aim of the next level of training – Beyond the Basics.

I’ve trained so many runners to know that people are missing out. This is so evident when people attend our refresher (or update) AutoCAD training course when they ask “What was that you did? - How long has AutoCAD been able to do that?”. They’re shocked and surprised to discover  these functionalities have been there for years.

The next response is typically, “I wished you shown me that months ago as it normally takes me ages.”

This is why you should always consider AutoCAD Essentials as the first step on your learning journey and always ask how you can supercharge your abilities – the AutoCAD “Beyond the Basics” course is an excellent way to achieve this and is the logical next step after the essentials training.

AutoCAD sprinters predominately utilise the keyboard. The Beyond the Basics course teaches keyboard techniques with Aliases and Keyboard Shortcut, bringing real time-savings.

Efficient Layer manipulation is also something that is often overlooked. The Beyond the Basics course teaches alternative methods of handling layers (focused upon just a specific area of the drawing). We also show you other ways of Layer manipulation and investigation as well as showing how to get better layer control within Viewports.

Knowing how to work effectively with multiple open drawings is also taught. Its surprising how well this can be utilised to bring further increases in productivity. 

And if you are not familiar with Grips, we will show you how these can make AutoCAD do things you never thought it could.

But these are just examples of the many topics that are included in the Beyond the Basics course. The course also includes:

  • How to draw accurately and precisely, without having to draw heaps of construction lines.
  • How to divide an object up equally or place something at measured intervals.
  • How to constrain 2D Geometry to prevent it being moved out of position and add dimensions that can manage its size and position.
  • How to better manage your blocks, and how blocks and drawing files can be one and the same.
  • How to keep your drawing “clean” with the Purge command, reducing drawing size and increasing speed.
  • How Template Files can bring timesaving efficiencies to drawing creation.
  • How to streamline plotting, layer control and Viewport configuration by using Named Views
  • How to harness the full benefits and power of Annotation scaling using Annotative objects such as Text, Dimensions and Hatch patterns.
  • How by using External References you can dramatically help reduce the size of drawing files and provide the ability to update multiple files from a single location.

To conclude, attending the Essentials course is like providing you with a pair of running trainers which is great if you want to go jogging. Whereas, the Beyond the Basics course will provide you with a pair of running spikes to help turn you into a sprinter!

Find out more about our AutoCAD training courses:

Start with the Essentials,

Move onto Beyond the Basics,

And if you’re feeling particularly ambitious, become an expert with an Advance course.

Monday 7 October 2019

Estate Management – The Rise of the Single Technology Platform

Estate management can be very complex, with a requirement to capture huge quantities of information and ensure it is managed effectively, to ensure optimal performance, maximum return on investment and that compliance is maintained. With this in mind, why wouldn’t you manage your estate with one single technology platform? It’s a no brainer. 

What is an estate management platform?

My view is that an estate management platform is a consolidated collection of technology (software and hardware) that has been chosen to facilitate the delivery of the estate management strategy. It should be the single point for data entry and management for all aspects of the estate.

It can be seen as the holy grail for some organisations, which allows them to enter, store, manage and drive improvements from a single database for all information covering every facet of the entire estate.

The challenge

Is it possible to adopt a single estate management technology platform?

There are still more Excel and manual processes in place than most organisations would like, because replacing these processes could be seen as challenging. In other instances, asset/building/space information and locations/data is being entered multiple times into multiple systems, that are not always updated at the same time.

Facilities management, estates, lease management, accountancy, compliance, health and safety, energy management teams often adopt different CAFM software with no joined-up approach. A lack of collaboration is leading to the purchase of/requirement for multiple systems. This can happen accidently as departments have a lack of alignment on estates management technology strategy or intentionally with departments wanting their own system to meet their specific needs. 

Firstly, its essential to build a culture where departments work more collaboratively, understand what all the challenges are and adopt a platform which meets as many of these as possible. This platform should have the ability to feed into other solutions to stop double data entry and management.  Each department need to understand that their solution must be able to feed a central repository of estates data rather than just coming across an issue and impulsively buying a point solution to fill the gap.

Considerations when reducing the number of estate management solutions

I’m not necessarily promoting the adoption of one software solution, as it’s not the best option for all organisations. I’m promoting the concept of one integrated platform where data is only inputted once. 

Organisations need to consider tradeoffs between configuring a single system to meet organisational needs and looking to integrate a point solution. The challenges around any integration are firstly getting two systems to work with each other, but then supporting and maintaining that integration. Who do you go to with support queries? If one solution is upgraded, what are the impacts on the other integrated solution(s)? Having said this, it may be more efficient than heavily customising a solution which isn’t originally fit for purpose and then experiencing restrictions in upgrading this solution as a result.

Point solutions have been developed to meet a specific need, so would be expected to be good at doing this single thing. More comprehensive IWMS/CAFM software/Estate management solutions have been developed to meet a wide range of challenges. This may mean that they do not meet a specific challenge in exactly the right way and require configuration to do so.

Do you want to rationalise all estates management software and commit to just one supplier? 

Here are some potential risk and benefits to consider:

Potential risks:
  • All your eggs in one basket - is the platform provider financially secure? 
  • Are you able to get data out of the solution, should you wish to change software?
  • Will the platform continue to be developed based on your future needs?
  • Solution may have to be heavily configured to meet organisational needs or processes that may have to be changed to meet the solutions limitations
Potential benefits:

  • Economies of scale
  • Potential reduced infrastructure costs with hosting in one place
  • Single supplier to manage; no danger of multiple supplier challenges
  • Maintain training on one single platform will ensure the team is more involved, and it will be less likely to lose a system champion. With more champions using the same platform, there will be better understanding of the platform and processes
  • Improved data transfer, with no need for unnecessary integration and associated costs
  • Enables simpler expansion and quicker growth
  • Simplification of technology environment with centralised data storage and hardware management
  • Removes duplicate technology capability
Benefits of working towards a single estate management platform

With a single platform, there is single area for management reports. The head of estates or operations directors will no longer need to chase each department for performance data. Data can be gathered from one dashboard/suite of reports. Think of the time saving for all involved. The demonstration of alignment with colleagues and ability to work together as an estate’s management team, can drive improved efficiency and reduction of costs across the business. This will assist with making project and business decisions, and increase the ease of justification of business cases for all departments. Those allocating funding can see where investment is really needed, based on highlighted issues or strong performance.

The inputting of all information into one platform creates a single source of the truth with all team members looking at the same data. It also makes data much easier to find and access by all those who need it, as it is stored in a central repository.

Rather than having multiple self-contained systems, the adoption of a single platform will bring additional benefits, allowing visibility of information and works progress across teams.
Systems will be bought more rationally ensuring there is no duplication of functionality and are plugged in to the platform in a cost-efficient way. In addition to this, there will be a huge saving of employee’s time, with reduced data entry, time wasted looking for information and reporting on the data.

Final Thoughts

It is no coincidence that those organisations who have most effectively deployed estates management technology have departmental co-ordination and an overall strategy. This can be led by any of those involved in estates, Facilities Managers or IT, but needs to be controlled and all parties need to be given visibility of the solutions under consideration by each team and procurement. 

Consider configuration of a single solution versus integration of multiple, but all organisations should be moving towards a single estate management platform.

At Excitech we support a number of CAFM software solutions and complimentary services. Take a look here and talk to us about your estate challenges today.

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